(The 18th 16-hour Marathon ROS Seminar)
[The 18th 16-hour Marathon ROS Seminar]
The 18th ‘16-hour Marathon ROS Seminar’ in Korea has held on 3 and 4 November 2018 at Seoul. More than 110 engineers and students participated in this seminar that was organized by ROBOTIS.
This seminar is composed of various basic ROS lectures for ROS beginners. This seminar was held in seven cities in Korea, starting from 2015 and has been held 18 times so far. Since the beginning of this seminar, over 2,000 engineers and students have been involved.
We starting with the installation of ROS and learning about the introduction, features, and tools. We then learned the concept of ROS based robot programming and tried various ROS development tools. Then we practiced SLAM, Navigation, and Manipulation using ROS, TurtleBot3, OpenManipulator on the Gazebo simulator. For the celebration of the 11th anniversary of ROS, we went over the ROS history and talked about future ROS development. Finally, we start with a comparison of ROS1 and ROS2, learn about the powerful features of ROS2, and discuss how it can be easily transferred from ROS1 to ROS2.
It was a truly grateful experience that we were able to share a wonderful time talking about ROS with about 110 people in this seminar.
(2nd Hackathon using ROS)
[2nd Hackathon using ROS]
We hosted Hackathon on the topic ‘Manipulator for Service Robot’. This Hackathon has held on 9 and 10 November, last week. This event was attended by about 30 people and did not sleep for 30 hours and performed the ROS-based manipulator programming project.
I look forward to various ROS seminars and Hackathon going on in the world in the future.