It has been almost 1 year from the 1st BehaviorTree workshop and I think it is about time to plan a second one.
A lot of things happened in this year:
- Behaviortree.CPP 4.x presented in Kyoto, at ROSCon 2022.
- Groot 2 is already available in beta and will be released soon.
- BehaviorTree being used in MoveIt Studio.
I would love to have a new workshop where people show how they use BT.CPP, present their projects or ask questions! Indicatively, I think that the last week of March or the first of April is a great time to have that, but I don’t have yet a final date.
If you want to present at the Workshop, please get in contact with me, privately on dfaconti@aurynrobotics.com, or replying to this thread.
The strict requirements are:
- It must be about BehaviorTree.CPP.
- Industrial use-cases are preferred over academic research, but the latter is not excluded.
- Presentation should not exceed 15 minutes.
- It is mandatory to have slides.
- You must send me the abstract by the 17th of March (an arbitrary date, but to be sure that people don’t postpone this too much).
Looking forward to your replies and feedback!