A real-time motion planner?

Hi Andy,

Can you please edit your post above with links to the said packages e.g. jog_arm?

Do you think the functionality in this realtime motion planner mimics some of the capabilities in the RobotState:computeCartesianPath() functions in MoveIt! already? Can we have them share the same code?

How does jog_api connect to the low level controllers? This is the biggest question I ask myself. The FollowJointTrajectory action interface might not be fast enough - it wasn’t for me but I know others have had success with it by changing the TCIP stack. But that isn’t for the faint of heart IMHO.

I would like to see this added into the ros-planning/moveit repo, in the https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit/tree/kinetic-devel/moveit_experimental package for now.