Announcing the 1st BehaviorTree workshop: call for participation

hello @facontidavide

I think i have spotted an error at the Parallel decorator :

if i use as children Action Nodes it works properly, however if the child is a Sequence or a Sub-behavior it will execute only the first action of the sequence or sub-behavior in parallel with the other and then the rest sequentially, i’m not aware if there is a workaround for this, so in conclusion i can not execute two sequences/sub-behaviors in parallel

Furthermore i think it would be nice to be able to pass bare strings into sub-behaviors instead of only blackboard parameters, but i’m not sure if this must be done or it is easy to be done

thanks a lot!

hello @facontidavide , is the workshop recorded video available currently? :grinning: :grinning:

Agreed! I tried to get in about 15 minutes late but I was never let into the meeting :cry:

I am very interested in seeing a recording. I hope it went well

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+1 I was sadly unable to attend during my caravan holiday in Spain… :slight_smile:

I would also like to suggest to improve the shared_library loading function.
At least I am utilizing that function to have the BT „infrastructure“ completely separated from actual robotic use cases. This leads to the situation that I have unmet library dependencies if I want to load a new plugin at runtime. Mostly, they are e.g. ROS messages. That were not build in the same workspace as the BT „Infrastructure“ providing node.
For that, I simply misuse the load_plugin library to load my compiled ROS IDL files.
The BT Factory complains that the indicating symbol was not found, because there is none, but gladly still keeps the library loaded :innocent:
This gives me the freedom to manually load my dependencies in the right order and with that finally my new plugin.

While this usage works with the current implementation, I would suggest making the usage more official, depending if such a usage of the library is desired.
I created a special ROS2 package especially for this use case. Make BT „infrastructur“ available for everybody but keep it „clean“ from any application use case. At least I find that beneficial, but I am asking myself if the community would like to use something like that… :slight_smile:

Everybody would just need to provide a very small BT Plugin and their part solutions would be very easily usable alongside other ROS2 or non-ROS plug-ins… :slight_smile:

Was the recording of the workshop shared? I was unable to attend but was looking for the workshop to review and go through this weekend to catch up on what I missed. Please advise.

The video will be online soon.


Unedited video can be found here:

I should level up my Zoom and Youtuber skills, before recording the next one :smile:


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