April Quality Assurance Working Group Meeting


The next ROS Quality Assurance Working Group will take place Thursday April 2nd, 2020 at 7:00 AM PST.

The meeting agenda is below. Please comment with any other agenda items you would like to add.


Talk by Ivano Malavolta , Assistant professor in Data-Driven Software Engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Title: Guidelines on how to architect ROS-based systems

Conference Call Details:


I know this working group isn’t specifically for ROS 2, but it would still be good to see it be a listed working group, have its meetings in the ROS events calendar, use an invite list, etc.

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I will try to join with multiple people from my group at StreetScooter.

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+1 for this. With some many meetings, the calendar helps very much. In addition to this, as a suggestion but totally up to Open Robotics and those managing social media, I believe it might be a nice idea to use those channels to advertise upcoming meetings (e.g. via twitter).

Not sure if it’s being done already but if that’s the case, I missed it.


Using the discourse date/time feature (some examples here) when announcing those would also be useful for readers not based in PST to get the right time despite daylight saving and other subtleties

Sorry about that. I guess I had it on my personal calendar and assumed it was on the ROS 2 calendar. I’ll add to the ROS calendar in a jiffy.

Hi all, here you can find the slides of my talk on the Architecting guidelines for ROS.

Thanks all for your time and for the nice discussion!


Heads up. We’ve scheduled the next QAWG meeting for 5/7/2020. I will post an agenda on discourse as we get closer to the date.