The next ROS-A Europe meeting will be 2020-04-30T15:00:00Z
Introduction of new participants
Datasets WG progress
Ting-Chia’s presentation on “Farming Simulator 19 Teleoperation Using ROS”
Ideas on how to get students involved in ROS-A Europe
Ideas for small pilot projects
Possible events
A web hackathon on a particular subject
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 509 011 0612
It would be great if everyone could run through/think about the agenda topics beforehand. This meeting will be more of a discussion meeting which means the goal is to get ideas out on the table. Thank you!
One of goals is to create a centralised index of all the available agriculture datasets- call for collecting open datasets.
An agricultural-specific common/standard annotation is not yet in place.
Ideas on how to get students involved in ROS-A Europe
Ilias suggested that we could cooperate with local/regional universities in proposing some small projects for students to work on. To avoid reinventing the wheel, we need to share the hardware and write/maintain documentations from one year to another. The main idea is that both universities and students could mutually benefit from such projects.
Provide some trainings for students (e.g. online ROS courses).
Ideas for small pilot projects
To see what sort of functionality we are missing in ROS/software in agriculture. It does not necessarily have to be software-based: it could be about lower-level functionality such as drivers, algorithms, interfaces, etc.
Segmentation algorithms for plant recognition (continue on working what Ilias and Nishant have put in place).
Find a way to transfer simulated images to real-world images or reduce the simulation-to-reality gap.
Have a simulation setup which is representative for real world agriculture which can be shared among all participants: using game engines such as Unity or Unreal Engine 4 (some good references: UnrealCV, ROSIntegrationVision for Unreal Engine 4).
Action Items
Think about and take part in any of aforementioned topics/projects