April ROS-A Europe Community Meeting

The next ROS-A Europe meeting will be 2020-04-30T15:00:00Z


  • Introduction of new participants
  • Datasets WG progress
  • Ting-Chia’s presentation on “Farming Simulator 19 Teleoperation Using ROS”
  • Ideas on how to get students involved in ROS-A Europe
  • Ideas for small pilot projects
  • Possible events
    • A web hackathon on a particular subject

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 509 011 0612

It would be great if everyone could run through/think about the agenda topics beforehand. This meeting will be more of a discussion meeting which means the goal is to get ideas out on the table. Thank you!

Best regards,


Meeting has just started.

ROS-Agriculture Europe Meeting Minutes 2020-04-30


Name Organization
Gijs van der Hoorn TUDelft
Ting-Chia Chiang TUDelft
Ilias Amri Sorbonne Université
Nishant Joshi KTH
Luc Hanneuse AgriLab
Qianyu -
Bekir Bostanci -
Shyam Ganatra -


  1. Introduction of participants

  2. Ting-Chia’s presentation on “Farming Simulator 19 Teleoperation Using ROS” (slides)

  3. Datasets WG progress

    • A collection of open agriculture-specific databases has been gathered (ROS-A - SIG datasets: Datasets Literature Review).
    • One of goals is to create a centralised index of all the available agriculture datasets- call for collecting open datasets.
    • An agricultural-specific common/standard annotation is not yet in place.
  4. Ideas on how to get students involved in ROS-A Europe

    • Ilias suggested that we could cooperate with local/regional universities in proposing some small projects for students to work on. To avoid reinventing the wheel, we need to share the hardware and write/maintain documentations from one year to another. The main idea is that both universities and students could mutually benefit from such projects.
    • Provide some trainings for students (e.g. online ROS courses).
  5. Ideas for small pilot projects

    • Goal:
      To see what sort of functionality we are missing in ROS/software in agriculture. It does not necessarily have to be software-based: it could be about lower-level functionality such as drivers, algorithms, interfaces, etc.
      • Segmentation algorithms for plant recognition (continue on working what Ilias and Nishant have put in place).
      • Find a way to transfer simulated images to real-world images or reduce the simulation-to-reality gap.
      • Have a simulation setup which is representative for real world agriculture which can be shared among all participants: using game engines such as Unity or Unreal Engine 4 (some good references: UnrealCV, ROSIntegrationVision for Unreal Engine 4).


Action Items Owner(s) Deadline
Think about and take part in any of aforementioned topics/projects Everyone Before next meeting


The video of this meeting may be found here: https://youtu.be/Ob3x5LuZup4

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