Thank you for your suggestions. I think all of them are good topics to covered at the next meeting. The hackathon idea is pretty cool. I know there is supposed to be a hackathon for students next week about prototyping a robot to autonomously harvest crops in a greenhouse, which I believe is organized by TUDelft and WUR. However, I think it’s going to be cancelled or postponed because of the coronavirus. I’ve also come across this community: FarmHack.NL. They have held events like hackathons to promote the collaboration in agricultural technologies within not just developers/coders but also farmers. Maybe we can extract some preliminary insights from them.
The resources are great, I will try to reach out to them, to my university as well. Do you have a web site or a contact point for the Tu Delft hackathon ?
we could also add have a summary of the results from the SIG datasets if someone wants to present them.
I will keep you updated.
Sorry for not responding to your messages promptly. I am a bit busy with other work these days.
The hackathon has been postponed as I guessed. Here is the link. You could find more information on the website including the contact point.
Thanks, I’ll try to prepare the agenda by the end of this week to see what exactly we can cover for the next meeting.
Hi, I’m Luc from AgriLab
An open innovation center and fablab on Agriculture related to the UniLaSalle polytechnique (Beauvais France).
I’m arriving in the middle of this discussion.
I would like to join. Students participated previous years in Agricutlure Robotic french contests “Rob’ Olympiades” organised by Arvalis .
Universitites are highly impacted till September under Coronavirus French Laws.