@gbiggs et al, couple of updates on above:
- We talked to the main players for the hackathon and got commitment for the above “Planned software” section.
- The change is that the Global Motion planner can also be done by Embotech instead of Tier IV. In the next TSC meeting we should get a confirmation if Tier IV will contribute something to this hackathon or not.
- LG is committed to provide the LGSVL simulator support
- AutonomouStuff full commitment to ROS 2 version of Speed and Steering Control software stack is still pending but it is also likely yes. They already have ROS 2 version of the PACMod driver, Kvaser interface and msgs
- Map WG is also super active https://gitlab.com/autowarefoundation/autoware-foundation/wikis/autoware-working-group, they have AutonomouStuff car park map but we were not yet able to talk to them yet
- We still need more people to provide
- tooling (rosbag record scripts, rosbag hosting, rviz config files, debugging, GUI)
- integrations (launch files, automated and manual testing, …)
- NDT Pose and Odom fusion to obtain a vehicle state
- Chris and I provided a high level architecture diagram. We plan to refine that in the next week or two and present it in either Autoware or Maps WG meeting: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1grOelGw1b2Lx3xaTlUpdlBi0Hn45SvWabEx8iYcYNAk/edit?usp=sharing:
- Several people approached me with the question “What exactly do we plan to do/show?”. I would like to see the following in order of preference:
- Lexus starts on point A (in the lane somewhere in a car park). Operator (back seat) gives it a target point B (in a parking stall somewhere in a car park):
- Lexus drives the whole path with dynamic obstacles (other cars, pedestrians, cyclists)
- Lexus drives the whole path with other static cars (parked on the lanes and in the parking stalls)
- Lexus drives the whole path on an empty parking lot
- Lexus starts on point A (in the lane somewhere in a car park). Operator (back seat) gives it a target point B (in a parking stall somewhere in a car park):
LMK if there are more questions.