Hi Autoware users, who is going to be at RosCon in Macau?
It would be great to meet for 1h and start planning for the hackathon in Palo Alto in April 2020.
Please reply to this message and we will post the date/place accordingly.
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Hi Autoware users, who is going to be at RosCon in Macau?
It would be great to meet for 1h and start planning for the hackathon in Palo Alto in April 2020.
Please reply to this message and we will post the date/place accordingly.
@filipe.rinaldi from Arm will be there.
I propose to hold a hackathon in Moscow. I will be at ROSCON.
I’ll be there and also join the real-time workshop tomorrow.
(This post was less than 20 characters.)
Yo , there, camping near the coffee machine.
@all let’s meet on Friday at 8 am at the ROSCon registration desk. We will discuss the work packages needed to make an autonomous valet parking demo possible in April 2020: https://gitlab.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.auto/autoware/issues?scope=all&utf8=✓&state=opened&label_name[]=epic
@esteve @Hatem @akihikotsukuda @YangZ @gbiggs @Sumanth-Nirmal @Kosuke_MURAKAMI @mitsudome-r
@wjwwood would anyone from osrf want to participate too?
Friday at 8 am is OK for me.
Sorry just saw this. I can try to answer any follow questions if you guys point them out to me.
I wil try to join this meeting maybe with some other guys from StreetScooter