The next Autoware Maps Working Group Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 29, 2019 1:00 PM
The main objective is to review the generalised use cases and consider initial ideas for the architecture that could support them.
Brian Holt is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Autoware Map Data Working Group #6
Time: Aug 29, 2019 02:00 PM London
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It became clear that there are 4 major uses of maps within the self-driving architecture:
Landmarks within maps to support visual-inertial localisation (think ArUco targets)
Road Graphs to support global planning (think London to Birmingham)
Traffic regulation items and lane structures to support perception, for example predicting which way vehicles are likely to travel given what is known about the direction of travel in various lanes.
Detailed road geometry to support local planning, for example what lane does the ego-vehicle need to be in in order to make the next turn?
In our next meeting we will being to flesh out these requirements.