Is there any additional documentation available for the TCPROS protocol?
The links here do a good job explaining the wire protocol for the connection header and the required fields for each participant for different operations: ROS/TCPROS - ROS Wiki
But it’s still a little unclear what the order of operations is. Ideally I’m looking for a sequence diagram containing the rosmaster, a publishing node, and a subscribing node at a minimum (also service client/server). If so, how can I update the linked page and/or wherever this documentation should go if it’s not already present?
Have you already found the ROS Master API documentation, too? I think it answers some of your questions. That page + the pages it links to together + the TCPROS wiki page you mentioned + it’s links was pretty much all I needed when I was working on rosnodejs. Definitely not as clean and complete as it could be, and a diagram would certainly be nice. But maybe it will help you along.
Afaik there isn’t any more documentation than you’ve already found.
What could help though is the TCPROS Wireshark dissector.
Especially when you’re implementing a client library yourself, sniffing the traffic to figure out what roscpp
and/or rospy
are doing can be helpful.
ROS1 transport protocol consist from 3 parts:
- ROS Maste API - An API to interact with ROS1 Master node
- ROS Node API - An API which is used by Master node and nodes themselves to communicate with each other
- TCPROS - protocol used to transfer data (messages) between the Nodes
Ideally I’m looking for a sequence diagram containing the rosmaster, a publishing node, and a subscribing node at a minimum
Few diagrams covering the topic (not sequence one)