Call for Chapter to Springer Book on ROS Volume 5

The call for chapters for the Springer Book on ROS Volume 5 is still open until 15 May 2019. It is recommended to submit an abstract by May 01, 2019.
Call for chapters:

If you have developed new packages on ROS/ROS2, or have designed new approaches using ROS/ROS2 and you want to have a reference for them, consider the submission of your work to the Springer Book on ROS Volume 5.

The book is intended to give a unique reference for ROS/ROS2 users and developers to publish and share their contribution/code/packages with the ROS community. The book looks for a detailed explanation of contributed packages with illustration and demonstrations that provide a valuable resource to ROS users.

The previous volumes were ranked in the top 25% of the most downloadable books on Springers.
For more details about the book statistics and visibility, refer to:
Volume 1:
Volume 2:
Volume 3: