CARMA Platform

The CARMA ecosystem is a suite of OSS tools to enable automated vehicles to cooperate with the entire transportation system to improve mobility, safety, and efficiency. This topic focuses on the CARMA Platform aspects of this ecosystem.

CARMA Platform is a vehicle-based platform for automated vehicles to share information and intent with other vehicles and infrastructure to enable cooperative actions that improve transportation operations and safety.

As of Thursday, April 16th, all CARMA repository names will be changing. In order to keep naming consistent with our Docker Hub repositories, we are migrating the names from camel case (CARMALightbarDriver) to skewer case (carma-lightbar-driver). All hardcoded dependencies on repository names will be updated and pushed to the develop branch by the CARMA team. Please be aware of this change, and plan accordingly. If there are any questions, please reach out to us at

The CARMA Team

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