Discussion on ROS to ROS2 transition plan


  1. Robotis has ported over turtlebot stack: [TB3] Introducing ROS2 Tutorials (entire robot supported)
  2. Apex.AI is porting Autoware algorithms: AutowareAuto / AutowareAuto · GitLab
  3. @fkromer has a list of more than 50 packages and drivers ported to ros2: GitHub - fkromer/awesome-ros2: The Robot Operating System Version 2.0 is awesome!
  4. Bosch/William ported rviz GitHub - ros2/rviz: ROS 3D Robot Visualizer
  5. Toyota has an entire robot: https://roscon.ros.org/2018/presentations/ROSCon2018_supercharging_the_jaguar4x4.pdf
  6. OSRF ported gometry2

And then as already mentioned above much more is in progress:

  1. ROS 2 Collaboration Bulletin Board - #41 by swatifulzele
  2. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14GY9shcwa2QKnw5u5T7F_2-4XuuwLkS3W20-tVp8EOY/edit#gid=0

So I do not know - do you just don’t want to see see all the work that has been done or what kind of examples are you looking for?