ROS1 or ROS2

I am working for an ROS Hobby Project, I stopped the develop for 2 years ago, because had no time, but now I want to resume the develop, but now ROS2 is in a very stable and has a big support, since beginning of the Project.
My question is, should I switch?
The Project is in an early Stage, but what’s going on with ROS1 ? Would be outdated in many years or would be develop parallel to ROS2?
I didn’t find any answer of my problem, maybe anyone can help me to tell for the future of ROS1


The last officially supported ROS 1 release is Noetic, which was released in 2020. According to Distributions - ROS Wiki, it will be supported until 2025. After that, there will be no new officially supported ROS 1 releases.

There has been some talk of a community-supported ROS 1 release (see ROS1 Obvious Orlitia - let's make it happen?), but I haven’t seen any concrete action.

ROS 2 is the future, and there will be releases of ROS 2 for the foreseeable future (ROS 2 Foxy is supported until 2023, Galactic will be supported until 2022, and H-Turtle will be supported until 2027. See Distributions — ROS 2 Documentation: Foxy documentation). I’m obviously biased, but I think any new projects should definitely be using ROS 2.


There is quite a lot of information and examples of ROS1 nodes currently available for you to tinker with and adapt to your hobby project. If ROS1 meets your project’s criteria and you want to get it built quickly, I’d stick with ROS1. If you want to tinker around and discover the improvements ROS2 offers while getting your project up, I’d recommend ROS2. For context, I work with ROS1 professionally and have a side project I have been adapting to ROS2 since Dashing.


Thanks for information, my hobby project is in an early state so, maybe it is currently easy to switch

Thank you for replay

May 23th 2020 every may23th will released a new version, are information about ROS1 will not be longer develop ?

I would check the nodes and plugins you want to run if they exist for ROS2 yet. If not I would stay with ROS1.


I would switch to ROS2 now while you’re still in the early stages of the project. Might as well start learning the system that is clearly going to be “the future” rather than learning something that will be ~worthless in 4 years.


Agree with the others. Take stock of what’s already in ROS2 and whether it meets what you’re trying to do. You could also consider plugging some of those gaps with the ROS1_bridge.

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Thanks that’s a good point.