Discussion on ROS to ROS2 transition plan

Right, and this isn’t a software architecture analysis, this is a business model analysis. I think what a lot of ROS and ros2 users and developers are struggling with is that they don’t understand what their business relationship is with Open Robotics.

I’ve asked a few people about this, and never seen even something as simple as business model canvas for ROS and ros2. I think if @gerkey or someone at Open Robotics could put something like that or equivalent together, it would make a lot of these discussions easier. Does anyone know if that work has already been done or published somewhere?

People’s comments and criticisms could (and really need to be) be grounded in which market segment relationships they’re talking about. But before we can do that, we need to all agree on what those are.

At the end of the day, it’s up to Open Robotics to analyze the size, value, and impact of the different market segments to determine where they should be directing resources. The latter is clearly something that Open Robotics has already done, since it’s driving their resource allocation decisions, but maybe it’s worth taking another look.

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