From navigation repo in ROS2, there is no concrete commit since August. As we know, navigation is one of most important components in Robotics. I’d like know the plan for its enabling and does it accept community patches for such effort? thanks.
Patches from the community are always welcome! If it doesn’t work for you, please feel free to fix it and send in a pull request or patch.
Yeah community involvement and contributions are always appreciated!
The fork of navigation in the ros2 organization was a one time work to play around for a demo, this is not maintained and we don’t pretend to make it any close to the ROS 1 version. We do encourage users interested in helping the migration of any ROS 1 package or stack to contact the maintainers and submit their patches on the upstream ROS 1 repositories.
There were a couple of alternative navigation-related projects presented at ROSCon this year. Both were advertised as having advantages over the “default” one, and might be a better candidate for porting to ROS 2.
if existing navigation repo is for demo purpose and won’t be maintained, I’d suggest re-name it to navigation_demo. Except it, is there any other effort working on Navigation (move_base) enabling in ROS2 community?
AFAIK, there is no actual plan, it’s up to the maintainer and community contribution from the feedback:
Regarding alternative navigation-related projects presented at ROSCon this year, for example,robot_navigation from David Lu, will also focus on implementing it in the ROS1 firstly.
All, I’m trying to start driving the ROS2 Nav stack effort, with help, and I’m asking for input. See this thread here: ROS2 Navigation - Input requested