Discussion on ROS to ROS2 transition plan

I’m just going to point something out because perhaps there was a bit of misunderstanding in the strategy and approach I took. Shaking and poking the internet bear is an effective strategy for rallying the internet troops. It’s a known effect that when you claim the opposite on the internet that will inspire those to post what is actually going on/the opposite. Contradiction and conflict on the internet is your friend. I understand your political position though - it’s probably not something you can do, (but I can, and so I did). We now have a substantial list of posters who have demonstrated what has been done in regards to migration of nodes and entire systems.

It appears that it has been done. The efforts are being tackled by a correct approach by Amazon recognizing that automation was the way to solve it and I would expect nothing less by them given their talent pool. See https://github.com/awslabs/ros2-migration-tools/tree/master/ros2_migration/porting_tools

Other big institutions that managed to do this are the Toyota Research Institute (who have gobbled up amazing amounts of ROS talent). Solid work there after reviewing this https://roscon.ros.org/2018/presentations/ROSCon2018_supercharging_the_jaguar4x4.pdf

I’d be interested on the size of teams which are allocated to achieving such efforts. Perhaps someone from TRI/Chris Lalancette (Open Robotics), Robotis (Turtlebot) or Amazon could touch to those?

For onlookers… I do suggest to review the above examples in code and perhaps their Wikis to extract a system wide transition plan and potentially create a generic rubric. Add them to GitHub - ros2/ros2: The Robot Operating System, is a meta operating system for robots. and GitHub - ros2/ros2: The Robot Operating System, is a meta operating system for robots.

As a community I wholely believe with the above resources we’ve all collected in this thread - it’s totally possible to create a common community transition plan that we all work through by following the initial efforts of TRI, Amazon, and robotis…