just entered this area, and had some troubles installing ROS2 on windows 7, and makes me wonder if ROS supports windows 7?
Please see the instructions on the wiki: https://github.com/ros2/ros2/wiki
While they still mention Windows 8.1 we are only testing ROS 2 on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2015. I don’t expect any older versions to work.
As @dirk-thomas writes, Win7 is unsupported, but I’ve done some limited testing and a few weeks ago I was able to get basic stuff working after I installed the required C++ redistributable package on my Win7 x64 installation.
You’ll probably be better off with one of the supported OS though.
@gavanderhoorn was this a binary installation?
This was a binary distribution, but it’s been quite some time since I last tried this, and it was never more than a “hey, this actually seems to sort-of work” test.
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