Don't miss EU funding for ROS developments via ROSIN FTPs - Next cut-off dates: June 14 & Sept 13, 2019

The EU H2020 ROSIN project has the goal to advance open-source robot software for industry and the robotics community as a whole. One of the main activities of the project is a grant program with a total amount of 3+ Million EUR for Focused Technical Projects (FTPs) on ROS software development.

Sofar, we have funded almost 40 FTP projects. Many (intermediate) results can be found here:

:question: Do you have a good idea for a ROS/ROS-Industrial related project and want to work on ROS(-I) software components, documentation, standardisation or a related topic?

:question: Are you or your company located within the European Union (or any of the Associated Countries)?

:exclamation: Then submit an FTP proposal and apply for a ROSIN grant by following the steps outlined in the applicants guide.

FTP proposals may be submitted all year long but are evaluated 3-4 times a year.

The next cut-off date are: June 14 and September 13, 2019 .

Proposals are short (a few pages) and concise. Applicants are guided through the process by an application wizard and a guide is provided.

To submit your FTP, please visit .

If you have any questions about the process, whether your idea or project would qualify, send me or one of my colleagues a message either through ROS Discourse or by email (see the Contact page on the site for addresses).

:hot_face: Too much text and no video?
:film_strip: Watch our project coordinator explaining ROSIN project and it’s funding opportunities at last year’s ROSCon in less than 200 seconds

or follow the 30 minutes presentation from ROS Industrial Conference (followed by four 15 minutes presentations of FTPs already funded by ROSIN):


As a result of discussions at ROSCon2018, ROS-Industrial Conference 2018 and exchange of ideas in early 2019, we would like to solicit “preferred topics” (or pre-baked FTPs) for upcoming ROSIN FTP calls in June and September. These suggestions shall give a focus on the topics we fund with our EU funding, but is not meant to not limit the scale and scope of future FTPs. Please check (upcoming) results from more than 38 ROSIN FTPs, to see what projects are in the pipeline or have been finished.

Kind reminder for the European ROS Community.
Our next cut-off date is approaching.
We will be happy to evaluate all FTP proposals that are submitted before June 14 end-of-day.
Next cut-off is then on September 13, 2019 .