Error using python3 nodes on ARM64 & CoreDX

  • Do you happen to have a backtrace ?
  • Does it fail when you create a subscription or when you try to deserialize a message?
  • Do you have the same problem with message types that are of known size (like uint64t) ?

Can you reproduce it with a pure C communication ? (running test_messages_c from test_communication for example)
I would expect the problem to be the same but that would at least allow you to rule out anything Python related.

My guess is that it may be something in the coreDX C typesupport. We test only Fast-RTPS on aarch64 ATM that uses the introspection mechanism. It’s possible that the alignment (and thus the pointers you access and free) are not correct when its built for aarch64.

Can you please provide more details on the related thread (Payload size error with FastRTPS)