As of today, May 16th, we have a release candidate for Humble Hawksbill. What this means is that we’ll no longer be accepting changes for Humble in the core ROS 2 packages (ie, in the desktop
variant), unless the change is a critical bug fix.
Also, the Humble distro freeze starts on May 19th. This means that May 19th is your last chance to bloom packages into Humble before the Humble release on May 23rd. But don’t worry, if you don’t get your packages into Humble before then: new packages can be bloomed into Humble after the official release day on May 23rd.
You can find more information on the Humble Hawksbill release timeline here: ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill (codename ‘humble’; May, 2022) — ROS 2 Documentation: Humble documentation