Introducing The Sense Think Act Podcast

We’re happy to announce the Sense Think Act Podcast, a long-form robotics podcast hosted by me, Audrow Nash. In this podcast, I’ll do interviews with people in various parts of the robotics community, such as startups, industry, research, government, philosophers, artists, etc. so long as I think it will be an interesting interview. The podcast will be technical, so expect us to get into the weeds - at the same time, we’ll try to explain concepts as they come up, so you don’t necessarily have to be an expert in the topic at hand.

The Sense Think Act Podcast will be available to watch on YouTube and available to listen to on all major podcasting platforms.

We’ll have discussion on the podcast right here on Discourse, to discuss specific episodes, get general feedback, and of course, get suggestions for people and topics you’d like to see covered.

We’d like to thank Open Robotics as our founding sponsor.

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Or follow us on Twitter

Our first episode with Melonee Wise is already posted! Happy listening!


Great job! It will be much helpful to make more people understand robots.
Mini Pupper should learn much from your channel.

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Great podcast! I’m looking forward to the next one!

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That is very nice! I always search for interviews with important people of robotics community and often is hard to find something. Also, I love podcasts and I have searched a robotics podcast, but I didn’t find any with this approach. Congratulations for the iniciative! 1 view in every youtube video will be mine!


I have been enjoying the podcasts, can’t wait to see who is next to be interviewed.