I thought it could be good for UK folks to be able to introduce themselves so we can find others in similar areas, and share local events. I’ll kick things off below…
I’m Keegan Neave, based in Leamington Spa, currently developing a mobile robotics platform I’m hoping to bring to market next year along with being released under a permissive licence. Also, another small robot to venture underneath my workshop to rescue a 13mm spanner. It started as a bit of a joke but I’ve now built a Unity based ROS controller for it that runs on a Steam Deck… Both currently run on Noetic, but I’m planning on upskilling to ROS2 in the new year.
I’ve been running my own company providing prototyping, 3d printing, and software engineering services for the past four years, mostly in the space and scientific sectors.
I’m also one of the organisers of Hacky Racers, this was initially just small electric gokarts but we’re expanding to autonomous racers. We have three classes, A4, A2, and Full Sized. The latter being the full size Hacky Racers! We’re still finalising our events schedule for next year so get in touch if you want more info.
NE-Five, the robot currently in development.
If anyone else is local or knows of any Midland’s based groups, please let me know!
Hi, I’m Oli
I am new to all things robots, so am very much a newbie here.
However, on a professional level, I am a senior DevOps engineer in a secure environment so am comfortable with most things sever based, having been involved with IT since the 80s.
My reason for being here is that I am looking to build a butler robot for the home, the core feature being the ability to make a coffee in the kitchen, and deliver it to my office upstairs. I know I could build something simple and bespoke, but it seems to me, everyone wants something like this, so wouldn’t it be good to help build a best practice robot, using ROS?
If I can build a foolproof stair climbing robot this year, I will be happy.
Anyway, I am in Wrexham, and would be happy to get involved with meet ups, My main strength would be understanding how robust scaling deployments work, which is why I have such a desire to learn ROS2 and finding how cloud tech can be imported into robotics.
Hey all,
I’m Shivan and I’m currently based in Southampton UK. I’ve been working with robotic systems for the last 5 years (software engineering for 8) and I’m currently working with autonomous underwater vehicles (think yellow submarines and boatymcboatface). I work as one of the control software engineers for the platforms and thought it’d be good to reach out because I’m always keen to see all the cool work and projects folks are doing.