Learn about Laser Range Finders with ROS in my Udemy Course


I am pleased to announce a new major update for course on ROS on Udemy course entitled
ROS for Beginners: Basics, Motion, and OpenCV

I have added a new section on how to work with Laser Range Finders (i.e. laser scanner) with ROS. I have demonstrated examples with two real devices namely the Asus Live Pro RGBD camera, and Hokuyo laser range finder.

The content of the new section includes the following:

  • Background information on laser range finders and their characteristics
  • Overview of main commercially available laser range finder used with ROS
  • How to connect an Asus Live Pro camera with ROS using openni2 drivers and how to convert a depth image into a laser scan topic, and how to visualize it with rviz
  • How to connect a Hokuyo laser range finder using urg_node driver and how to create a static transform to visualize with rviz
  • How to record scan topic data with rosbag, and how to replay and visualize it with rviz
  • How to create a subscriber ROS node to scan topic and process scan message to find max, min and average ranges (Python, (and C++ soon))
  • How to configure the parameters of laser range finder with ROS (coming soon)

I am planning to add a intrusion detection system project using laser scanner with ROS.

Also, previously a complete new section on OpenCV was introduced and demonstrated 13 different topics.

Next major update will be presentation of transformations with tf package in ROS.

This course is a shortcut for any new ROS user to learn ROS by demonstration and in efficient way.

You can enroll to the course with a discount on



Congratulation for new course Professor Koubaa.

I go there to see.
