Manipulation WG / MoveIt Maintainer Meeting - April 25

The next Manipulation WG Meeting / MoveIt Maintainer Meeting will be 2024-04-25T15:00:00Z.


  • Discussing continued development and maintenance - ROS org and OSRA updates (Henning)
  • ROSCon 2024 Workshop Planning


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+1 406-851-5227
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  1. Discussing current permission issues with ros-planning org

    • Decided to migrate MoveIt repositories to moveit org for ensuring accessibility and clarifying ownership and responsibilities
  2. What should our concept of “stable” branches be in the future?

    • Continue historical concept where stable is the latest LTS ROS release
    • Change to stable tracking a particular version of MoveIt, which compiles to xyz distros
  3. How can we use this change and announcement to re-energize the community and get more involvement in the OSS repos?

  4. Source users are already going to have to do migration with the org change, can we implement some of the other code organization changes we have discussed in this timeframe?

    • Change default cmake flags to ignore unneeded packages
    • move moveit2_tutorials into moveit repo to consolidate example code and reduce sync complexity