Meta-ros Working Group Kickoff Call (2022/11/17) @ 3pm UTC

As a follow up on the meeting that Andrei (@razr) held at ROSCon, we propose having a kickoff meeting next week.

To find a time suitable for both Europe and the US West Coast we propose:

Thursday, November 17th,2022 @ 3pm UTC (4pm CEST / 10am ET / 7am PT)
Here is the link to join the meeting: [Launch Meeting - Zoom]

Thanks to @vmayoral for publishing the notes from the meta-ros BOF at ROSCon

Here is a proposed agenda for what we may wish to cover:

  • Brief Overview of the past work done by BMW Car IT and LG
    • Existing support policies, Superflore tool, and Release Steps
  • Proposals for Future Work:
    • Supported Yocto Releases and ROS Distros Combinations
    • Suggested Reference Hardware
    • CI / CD Automation for Superflore and Regression Builds
    • SDK Generation
    • Support for extended capabilities like Qt, Gazebo, RViz, etc
  • Open Discussion to provide Community Feedback
    • Notably input on which boards, Yocto Releases, Packages, and ROS Distros

The work I have been doing getting full ros-image-world builds for Humble and Kirkstone done is nearly complete. Feedback on other important combinations is very valuable. Whether you are developing using ROS today or just casually interested in getting started, I’d be interested to hear your opinions.



I have put together a Google Doc with a proposed agenda here:

My main objectives for the kickoff call today are to bring the community together so we know who is interested in meta-ros and to find out which Yocto releases and ROS Distros are most important to people.

I look forward to speaking with everyone in an hour.

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Thanks for everyone that attended. We recorded the meeting for anyone that couldn’t make it.

You may find the recording here: Passcode Required - Zoom
Passcode: image

The Google Doc was updated with some notes from the meeting.


@robwoolley and I had an impromptu sync up call today. I had done enough previously to at least understand how to run ‘superflore’. A recent customer project had us revisiting ‘noetic’ on ‘dunfell’. Looking forward to further discussions (Tuesday and Thursday mornings are already busy for me for meetings, so perhaps a Wednesday call would work).