Welcome to the Dynamixel Configuration Tool for linux!
Dynamixel Servo motors are the most used in Robotics due to their many resources. In order to configure them, ROBOTIS provides the RoboPlus software, and the dynamixel SDK. To use the Dynamixel SDK the user has to work with scripts while the RoboPlus has an friendly interface and it’s not necessary to code, but it only works on windows.
The project idea surged out of the constant necessity of changing some parameters, but since in robotics the most used system is Linux, since ROS distributions are only available for it, configuring the servo was always an effort. So this project was created to provide an fast easy handling of Dynamixel configuration.
Dynamixel SDK Library was used with a QT interface, being programmed in python and supporting the protocol 1.0 servos.
Mixcell is able to identify connected servos, reset to factory default and configure the following parameters:
- ID
- Baudrate
- Torque Max
- Mode (Wheel/Joint/MultiTurn)
- P/I/D Gains
- Drive mode (Reverse/Slave)
Mixcell repository: https://github.com/clebercoutof/mixcell
Contributions, suggestions and critics are welcome, the main intention of this project is to learn, improve and make our life easier.
Dynamixel SDK repository : https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/DynamixelSDK
PyQT repository: https://github.com/pyqt