Focus on MoveIt 2, e.g. migrate tutorials to ROS 2
Ideas for dealing with remote event
* Lightning talks - live talk + discussion, but keep record for later review
* Use Discord, Discourse for sharing
* Prepare soft deadline for registration to prepare accordingly
* Schedule time blocks for group discussions
GSoC '21
Registration deadline coming up
Looking for objectives and mentors
Considered objective: Convert MoveIt tutorials to ROS 2 (half-time engagement for beginners?)
MoveIt 2 Tutorials
PickNik setting up new MoveIt 2 tutorial repo, cloned from ‘ros-planning/moveit’
Initially, tutorials will have a note disclaimer if they haven’t been ported yet
MoveIt 2 Updates
New weekly standup meeting with shared project board
Hybrid Planning architecture completed
PR about the merged, white paper being published soon
CI Issues
MoveIt 1
“Travis is bad but it’s not terrible”
We’ll stick to running Travis, not looking into different providers currently
MoveIt 2
Improve linting with ament_lint, some upstream fixes required
Simplify running CI and linting locally
Applying ROS 2 linting standards for all repos
Considering switching to Circle CI
MoveIt 2 Roadmap for 2021
Looking for feature candidates and commited efforts
* Scene graph (Felix)
* Dynamic tool switching (Jorge)
* Support for multiple robot models (Michael)
* …
Dave presents roadmap page on new website prototype
Objectives will be listed on website and linked to GitHub issues
Attendees: Abishalini Sivaraman, Andy Zelenak, Dave Coleman, David Lu!!, Fabian, Felix von Drigalski, Mike Ferguson, Jafar Abdi, Jere Liukkonen, Jeroen de Mayer, Joachim Schleicher, Jorge Nicho, Kevin DeMarco, Mark Moll, Marq Rasmussen, Michael Görner, Nathan Brooks, Ranjit Kathiryia, Robert Haschke, Peter Mitrano, Sebastian Jahr, Simon Schmeisser, Tyler Weaver