Hello y’all,
I’ve been working on a new library to help lower the skill ceiling for getting into ROS2, and for making things in ROS2 require less micro-management called ROS2_easy
it comes with:
- A function for automatically re-generating a package’s setup.py to add all folders in a given package to paths. So no more “resource not found” errors
- A launch file generator which consolidates the process of creating a launch file into a “launch_configuration” class which(for must packages) handles generating launch files for you
- A (WIP)FreeCAD urdf generator, which lets you convert from model → urdf → sdf.
- A ROS2 project launcher which takes a “launch_configuration”, and generates then runs a bash script which builds, sources, and runs, everything you want to test all at once.
No more opening 3 different terminals, 1 different windows only CAD, 2 different config files, all to test 1 change. Just define your packages as “Package” objects, your ROS2 project environment as a “launch_configuration” object, and then run whichever functions you need to test in 1 python file.
Most of the tool work fine, but the project needs help adding gazebo support and cmake support.