New release of Project Aslan (1.2.0 melodic and kinetic) & Project update


Today, the new version 1.2.0 of Project Aslan for ROS Melodic and ROS Kinetic has been released. Find it here.

Project Aslan is an international not-for-profit collaboration established in July this year to accelerate self-driving solutions through open-source software.
More info on the project:
Press Release with latest news can be found here.
GitHub link: GitHub - project-aslan/Aslan: Open source self-driving software for low speed environments

On Release 1.2.0:

  • ROS Melodic version of Aslan for Ubuntu 18.04 at melodic branch: tag v1.2.0-melodic
  • ROS Kinetic version of Aslan for Ubuntu 16.04 as well is still maintained on master branch: tag v1.2.0-kinetic
  • Fully refactored code:
    Redesign based on OOP design and following the ROS Guidelines for package structure, C++ Style Guide, Python Style Guide, ROS Patterns and Common Procedures. The motivation behind this was to provide a set of guidelines that can help the contributors of Project Aslan contribute to a neat, well structured software stack. The current version of the stack is fully restructured and concise facilitating debugging, understanding of the functionality and establishing a set of rules, procedures and guidelines in code development.

Since the first release of Project Aslan, a number of contributors and partners from both academia and industry have come together to define the project’s scope. The Advisory Board and Technical Steering Committee have set the project focus to ensure safety and reliability throughout the stack, making the project’s primary goal to define a clear strategy for:

  • Software Validation
  • Software and On-Vehicle Testing
  • Cyber Resilience

Please find the first TSC meeting minutes here.

The main architectural goals for the project is to develop software components to achieve redundancy throughout the stack and ensure the integrity and validity of the data transmitted. The next features developments are focusing on:

  • Multiple modules development for each information source
  • Cyber Resilience / Information Security
  • System failures detection, response and reporting
  • Verification of integrity of data transmitted
  • Any other self-driving software feature the contributors would like to work on!

For the purposes of the project, 3 focused working groups have been formed:

  • Software working group
  • Cyber Security working group
  • Safety working group

In order to facilitate the development process while maintaining the software architecture of the stack, Aslan contributors are advised to follow a set of Contribution Guidelines for bug fixing, feature requests as well as features development. The purpose of this is to:

  • Facilitate the developers working on new features
  • Request and provide feedback on the software design
  • Manage and maintain the overall architecture of the stack
  • Document the software design of new features

Please find the contribution guidelines here.

The first Global Contributors meeting will be held on the 3rd of November. During this meeting we will discuss next features developments and contributions in more detail.
The agenda for this meeting is:

  1. Project Update
  2. Project Scope
  3. Working Groups
  4. Contribution Guidelines
  5. Feature Requests
  6. AOB

If you would like to join, please send an email with a brief description of your background and area of interest to:


Stay safe :slight_smile: