Next Client Library WG Meeting: Friday 20th December 2024 8AM PT

The next meeting of the Client Library Working Group will be this Friday, 20th December 2024 at 8 AM Pacific Time.

The Client Library Working Group has also become the first official WG under the new OSRA and ROS PMC organization!

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May the github orgnization be clean and updated?

ros2/middleware_working_group: Working group focused on functionality provided by the communication middleware and the language specific client libraries. (

ros2-client-libraries-wg (

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I don’t have ownership of those repositories and, at the moment, I don’t have a use for them.
I’ll ask to delete them.

I’ve archived them both.

I suggest to create a github org and gh-pages to gather and summarize the outcome of client wg.

the realtime-wg can be a good example

ROS 2 Real-Time Working Group (
Guides — ROS 2 Real-Time Working Group documentation (

Thank you!

I don’t think that this is a good example.

The client library WG, differently from the realtime WG, will likely not create any new repository, but rather maintain and extend the official ROS 2 client libraries.
I also don’t want to create new documentation, but rather improve the existing one where needed.

Things obviously can change in the future, and we always can create such repositories if needed.


@ZhenshengLee Just FYI, add working groups section and fill-in client library details by alsora · Pull Request #4909 · ros2/ros2_documentation · GitHub


Thank you everyone for the attendance today.
You can find the meeting minutes here: ROS 2 Client Libraries Working Group - Google Docs

The next meeting is supposed to be in 2 weeks, i.e, on January 3rd 2025.
Given that people could still be on holiday on this date, if there are no objections, we could move it to January 10th 2025.

FYI @tomoyafujita @fmrico @JM_ROS



yeah agree, lets do that on Jan 10th 2025!
maybe we can take turns for note taking from next time.

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I’m Jishnu. I had the chance to attend yesterday’s meeting, and while I didn’t fully understand everything that was discussed, I’m really interested in being part of the working group and contributing to the client libraries.

It would be great if someone could point me in the right direction to get started. I’m pretty new to this but genuinely want to learn more about how the whole ROS system works.

Thanks in advance!


I created a new calendar event to meet every 2 weeks starting from January 10th 2025.
The meeting of this week (supposed to be on January 3rd) is cancelled.

We can discuss this in the next meeting and give you some precise pointers based on the current priorities and your interests and expertise.
However, I think that a great way to start is by reviewing currently open PRs and provide feedbacks there.

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