OSRA TGC meeting minutes for December, 2024

The meeting minutes for the regular meeting of the Technical Governance Committee held on the 19th of December, 2024, were approved in the January meeting and are now available in the official minutes repository. You can find the complete minutes here.

The TGC received the monthly project and technical committee updates, including notice that REP-2000 is undergoing updates in preparation for the Kilted Kaiju release and that the ROS PMC has established its first working group, the Client Libraries Working Group, led by Alberto Soragna. The Infrastructure project reported that the infrastructure is undergoing upgrades to Ubuntu 24.04.

In this meeting, the TGC was presented with the results of the work done by its Technical Committee on Use in Projects of Submissions Produced by Generative AI. The TC has produced a complete policy, along with guidance. The TGC discussed the proposal, and is due to vote on its adoption shortly.

The next TGC meeting will take place in February, 2025. The minutes of the January meeting should be approved in that meeting and posted publicly shortly thereafter.