The meeting minutes for the regular meeting of the Technical Governance Committee held on the 21st of November, 2024, were approved in the December meeting and are now available in the official minutes repository. You can find the complete minutes here.
The TGC received the monthly project and technical committee updates, including the success of in-person PMC meetings at ROSCon, the news that Open-RMF has switched to using Zenoh, and the Infrastructure team working to move to Ubuntu 24.04.
Of particular note in this meeting, the TC on Enhancement Proposal Processes has started dealing with the thorny question of “what is in scope for an Enhacement Proposal?”
In a follow-up to an item from the October meeting, the OSRF Board of Directors decided to reject the proposal to move the Nexus project under the Open-RMF PMC for the time being. This decision was made because the Board wants the Open-RMF project to concentrate on making its existing feature set robust before expanding the scope of the project.
The next TGC meeting will take place in January, 2025. The minutes of the December meeting should be approved in that meeting and posted publicly shortly thereafter.