I would love to use more complete version of ros2 pkg create
. For me currently it seems very bare bones. Below are my thoughts on topics @rgov listed
Note: i use humble, but just in-case doc links are iron
- General
- Unit tests (and other kinds of tests):
- a test related area is added to cmakelist in there lint checks are avaliable but need to add other tests. maybe something like this in docs could be added.
- CMakeLists.txt and package.xml:
- adding two executables is not supported (or i failed to do so )
- generated cmake uses some extra elements that are not in tutorials, so sometimes implementing part of a tutorial to generated project got confusing. To be more specific
are generated but not in tutorials.target_include_directories
is used to add “include” directory. I would love it if both cli and tutorials are more similiar to encoruge best practices.
- Launch scripts:
- no launch script, maybe something can be generated as in docs with a new
flag that has options likenone,yml,xml,python
and default could be none. generated launch file could include a basic launch file if pkg has executable
- no launch script, maybe something can be generated as in docs with a new
- Dev containers
- docs says it is community contributed and instructions are for workspace level and not pkg level. Also i generally dont use it on pkg level, but it might be usefull?
- Integrated linter / code formatter:
- pkg create generates lint test. to auto lint cpp i use
ament_uncrustify --reformat src
but I handle cmake and package.xml errors manually and i think error messages are not beginner friendly enough. for example I fix package.xml errors by changeing order of elements, but errors say “unecpected element xxxx”
- pkg create generates lint test. to auto lint cpp i use
- Continuous integration (GitHub CI, ROS Build Farm): no idea, but a flag on
ros2 pkg create
could allow to chose ci type and basic ci could be added to run tests, check builds etc. - Python 3 (no clue in general)
- With setup.py
- Both sync and async templates
- Using type hints
- C++
- Using modern C++1x or 2x
- dont know it is related but
target_compile_features(main PUBLIC c_std_99 cxx_std_17) # Require C99 and C++17
is added in cmake
- dont know it is related but
- Using modern C++1x or 2x
- Packaging
- Building .deb packages
- would love to know how to do this, Can you explain or link a tutorial on how to do this ?. Also examples I see online are generally of snap packaging rather than debian.
- Building container images
- I think this can be be one liner by using osrf desktop image, volumeing current dir, workspaceing to parent dir etc, @rgov Do you have more specific thing in mind ?
- Building .deb packages
- Other client libraries or implementations: Roslib.js, micro-ROS, “raw” DDS (no clue)
- Common (basic) patterns
- Subscribers, publishers, actions, services
- State machines
- Message filters
- I also want to add parameters, but probably use cases are too divergent to define best practices
I would love some auto doc generation.
Also there are probably other related thread about this like: How do you structure your projects and workspaces?
I search nav2, moveit, BT.ros2 etc. But generally wing it