Earlier this week the three servers backing packages.ros.org became out of sync, causing various failures during install and rosdep update.
For example, the version of ros-indigo-moveit-fake-controller-manager is reported as 0.7.8-0trusty-20170313-131724-0700 by two of the servers and as 0.7.8-0trusty-20170328-004136-0700 by the third, as shown by
Making matters worse, the deb file for version 0.7.8-0trusty-20170313-131724-0700 no longer exists on the third server,
And so the download will fail if you get recommended that version by one of the other servers.
I have confirmed this for the above package and noticed the same behaviour for several other packages. I have not checked if the issue applies to other platforms or distributions.