Preparing Indigo Sync 2016-10-21


Quite a few packages ready to sync on Indigo. However there are currently ~6 regressions in the Care-O-Bot repositories. It looks like the root cause is a new dependency that doesn’t build on non amd64. And a missing dependency.

There are several low level updates coming to Indigo with patches recently merged in catkin, ros_comm, and releases pending for class_loader, pluginlib, common_msgs, and eigen_stl_containers.

As such I’d like to get the current set of updates synced, before we do the large rebuild so we can have time before a sync for testing the low level updates. As such I’m going to suggest attempting to resolve the cob_* issues and make a release by Wednesday next week.

If anyone knows of anything relevant that’s not above please reply.

There has been no releases of ROS core pages (neither catkin nor ros_comm) into Indigo (e.g.

@dirk-thomas Great, that means that we won’t need to do as much rebuilding for indigo.

Thanks to the Care-O-Bot team for the quick fix. There’s one small regression of grid_map on Saucy only. There are a few packages still rebuilding, once they are done we trigger a sync.