Preparing for Jazzy sync and patch release 2024-12-23

We’re planning for a Jazzy sync and patch release on 2024-12-23T08:00:00Z. There are currently 491 packages to sync and no new regressions .

If you find a regression when testing, please report it upstream and leave a comment here so we can track it leading up to the sync and patch release.

Starting today 2024-12-20T08:00:00Z, we’ll hold all rosdistro PRs for Jazzy unless they fix reported regressions. On 2024-12-23T08:00:00Z we’ll announce the release.

There seems to be a regression from Fast-CDR

Thanks for the heads up! I’ll be holding the patch release until we solve the regression.

After regressions were fixed sync and patch release are out.

Enjoy! :jazzy:

I’m confused about the regressions. I know for sure, that we have at least 2 open regression like bugs in respect to humble with jazzy (Double spin required since 28.2.0 · Issue #2589 · ros2/rclcpp · GitHub and Waitset not triggering timer when initialized in lifecycle node · Issue #2652 · ros2/rclcpp · GitHub)
What is considered a regression, and how do we generate the regression page ?

The regressions page as linked above is updated hourly on the build farm to detect build regressions. You can see the jobs for different architectures here.

However that’s a coarse view and is only detecting build regressions. If there are behavior regressions they need to be raised to the release manager to be triaged as potentially blocking the release usually by the maintainer as they’re working on the fix. If the fix isn’t eminent then the release manager has to make the subjective choice to roll back or release with the regression.