ROS 2 B Turtle Naming Brainstorming

Thank you for all the ideas so far :clap:

To summarize the current proposals (removing / collapsing duplicates):

  • Bashful Batagur
  • B-Boy Turtle
  • Bertie Turtle
  • Bulldozer Turtle
  • Bountiful Brer
  • Bebop Bulldozer
  • Baby|Bouncy|Browsing Bowser
  • Brilliant …

I think we will like not considered any of the following ones (for the mentioned reason):

  • Bionic
    • collides with Ubuntu Bionic Beaver
  • Breezy
    • collides with Ubuntu Breezy Badger
  • Blue Box
    • similar to ROS Box Turtle
  • Bog Turtle
    • similar to ROS Box Turtle
  • Biomimetic
    • complexity of spelling considering international community
  • Bodacious | Boisterous
    • complexity of spelling considering international community
  • Big
    • close to the BIG-i robot

If anyone has more ideas please post them soonish. We plan to decide on the name within a week. Thanks!