ROS 2 Client Library Working Group [Update]


in March, we restarted the client library working group after users requests: Revival of client library working group?

Since then, the group met every week.
The focus of the group has been on PR reviews to prepare for the ROS 2 Jazzy feature freeze.

I really want to thank everyone who joined and helped us for their contributions, in particular @JM_ROS for his huge work.

Now, I would like to keep the effort going.
I plan to host the meeting every two weeks.
The purpose of meetings can vary: if you have questions, doubts or proposals concerning the ROS 2 client libraries (e.g. rclcpp, rcl, rclpy, etc) feel free to join and discuss it with the group!

The next meeting will be on Friday 3 May 2024 at 8AM Pacific Time.
Meeting Link:
Meeting agenda: ROS 2 Client Libraries Working Group - Google Docs

If there’s interest in a different meeting time, please let me know here.
We can have two different times and switch between them.

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