ROS 2 Real-time Working Group Online Meeting 6 - Nov 27, 2019, 7AM PDT (UTC-8)

@tomoyafujita and all, here are the minutes:


  • Christophe (Apex.AI)
  • Jaime (eProsima)
  • Ralph (Bosch)
  • Geoff (Tier IV)
  • Carlos (Apex.AI)
  • and others

Meeting recording

Meeting minutes

  1. Action items from last meeting:
    1. Mentioned that Silexica will present their Performance Testing Platform on or around Dec 11
    2. Discourse post on how to measure performance correctly
      1. 3rd point: ROS2 Real-time Working Group Online Meeting 5 - Nov 13, 2019, 7AM PDT (UTC-7)
      2. Dejan did not have time
      3. @Jaime_Martin_Losa talked about eProsima’s test setup/system
      4. AI for next meeting: follow-up on this
  2. LET executor
    1. rcl might not be the right place given the current architecture, so might split it up
    2. @ralph-lange mentioned that it might be a good idea to push things down to rcl so that executors could be implemented somewhere other than rclcpp while avoiding code duplication
    3. AI for next meeting: have someone from OR comment on the idea above, perhaps in the meeting directly
  3. Architecture of single-process, real-time rmw
    1. Will come back to it in the next meeting
  4. Static executor
    1. Latest update SingleThreadedExecutor creates a high CPU overhead in ROS 2
    2. PR efforts halted; will be offered as a separate package
    3. Will wait for changes to the rclcpp executor planned for Foxy
  5. Tooling WG
    1. No one from the RT WG participated
    2. Tracing tools could fit into that, @christophebedard plans to attend the next meeting
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