ROS 2 Real-time Working Group Online Meeting 7 - Dec 11, 2019, 7AM PDT (UTC-8)

Meeting minutes (thx @christophebedard for help):

Video recordings:

Next meeting: Jan 8 2020 (skipping the one on Dec 25 2019).

  1. Presentation: SLX ROS Performance Testing Platform 2019-11-28-ros2-rt-wg-proposal.pptx.pdf by Silexica/Ben
    1. AI Dejan: Ask Amazon if they want to host HW for performance testing platform (on
    2. Ben to give regular updates in the RTWG
  2. LET executor
    1. AI @JanStaschulat: comments on the rcl PR ( will be addressed and then the PR will be re-directed to rclc (
    2. Bosch will also provide the documentation and the use case description for LET executor
    3. William is OK with the full restructure of the rclc project
  3. Architecture of single-process, real-time rmw
    1. Erik’s comment on memory allocation for the data path in rmw_cyclconedds:
    2. AI: Members of the RTWG should provide feedback
    3. Doing it from scratch vs. building on rmw_cyclonedds => 2nd option is preferred
    4. Erik thinks it makes sense to implement the zero-copy interface (from Bosch) first
    5. ROS 2 F => Erik thinks that we should start making use of DDS keys
      1. AI Dejan: take this request to ROS 2 TSC
  4. static_executor work to be done for ROS 2 F:
    1. be able to use more than one executor per node.
    2. Implement Waitset similar to the one at Apex => AI @carlossv: to work with William
    3. Interface clean up around the executor
  5. ROS 2 F Roadmap will be finalized early 2020
    1. Input to the roadmap: brainstorming of ROS 2 team@OSRF & others
    2. AI RTWG members: provide your input for the ROS 2 F roadmap
  6. DDS direct access (A more unified and standard way of configuring the DDS layer)
    1. There exist 2 different solutions/approaches: DDS configuration vs accessing DDS APIs
    2. Borja’s use case in microROS => configuring vendor specific implementation
    3. William => 3 ways to expose more DDS features:
      1. out of bound for configuration of the underlying DDS implementation
      2. programmatically (e.g. rmw_init(payload) which has been done at Apex, but it is not portable across DDS vendors,
      3. ROS way with lots of abstraction and which must be portable
      4. AI @BorjaOuterelo @joxoby: provide more concrete set of requirements for this use case