Here are the minutes from last week’s meeting. Next one should be January 22, 2020.
Video recording:
- LET executor update
- Working on addressing comments with new PR on rclc (within the next week)
- Planning new/additional features
- Add trigger conditions. In example for multiple sensor data (Lidar+IMU) and trigger for one topic.
- Working on testbench with Nobleo to compare the performance of different executors.
- Single-process, real-time RMW
- Will come back to it next meeting
- DDS direct access
- Will come back to it next meeting
- ROS 2 F feature roadmap
- Inviting RTWG members to comment on Apex.AI’s list of features and add feedback
- @eboasson: regarding improve ROS 2 performance to match DDS performance. This may imply changes in the ROS 2 API. What is the input of Open Robotics on this?
- Update on Silexica Performance Testing Platform from @kaineumann
- First steps for putting platform on AWS
- Measurements on x86_64 system with RT_PREEMPT using pendulum demo: want to measure stability
- Question about RT pendulum demo: is it up to date with master?
- @carlossv: currently on dashing, plan on updating it for eloquent. Have been asked for support for crystal.
- Question about AWS hardware pool (AI for @Dejan_Pangercic from last meeting, pushed to next one)