ROS 2 Security Working Group January Meeting

Thank you both for chiming in!

Yeah timezones are hard! Our meetings alternate to account for the varied timezones. For example, our December meeting was at 23:00 UTC. The February meeting is at 22:00 UTC. Is that a time you can make, or shall we add another to the rotation?

You’re right. @tomoyafujita asked back in October to see if we could include an asia-friendly timezone, which is when we started alternating times. Are you referring to another request?

Mechanisms to manage the group seem unactive : Following the governance PR of the WG, I filed a ticket for more direct participation yet this hasn’t been reviewed so far. This is surprising to me given “how fast” things seemed to be changing in the management of this group. Sometimes even without joint consensus !

The idea with membership of the github org is that it revolves around projects within the org. Despite merging the community doc, we don’t have any yet, so we’ve been waiting to review applications until we do. I should have mentioned this on the application, that was my mistake, and it’s been rectified now.

Unilateral decisions, without consensus : Since Canonical has taken over the coordination of this group I’ve seen several decisions that were understood as work of the WG but didn’t receive consensus AFAIK. One recent one is this commit which unilaterally sets up vetos for Canonical themselves.

In accordance with the TSC charter:

Each WG must be chaired by a TSC member. The chair of a WG is responsible
for all aspects of that WG’s operation, including membership, meeting schedule,
and decision-making.

We’re simply outlining the role of the chair in the community doc. Teams need leaders, and leaders need the ability to effect change. If you disagree with it, let’s chat at the meeting, or in Matrix if the time doesn’t work.

I must say I’m personally a bit concerned about other matters such as the definition of a Vulnerability Disclosure Policy being discussed here .

That google doc is the perfect place to discuss your concerns, like we’re doing.

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