In fact there was a couple of updates. @nikolaimorin is working on improving the integration of Cargo and colcon. I filed Create repository for colcon-ros-cargo · Issue #435 · colcon/colcon-core · GitHub so that we’d have a colcon-ros-cargo repo where we can work, but it hasn’t received a response yet.
I also filed Debian packages for non-core extensions · Issue #436 · colcon/colcon-core · GitHub because we’d like to start distributing the colcon-cargo and colcon-ros-cargo extensions, but not require users to use pip for that.
Additionally, cargo and rustc are now in rosdep, so they can be declared as dependencies in package.xml
However, I’ve seen in the previous TSC meeting minutes that Geoff is the one providing the updates, but I’m a bit confused about the rationale for that and I suggest it’d be good to ping the ROS2 Rust team before the TSC so we can give you a summary of the updates. Right now @nikolaimorin and I are doing the bulk of work, but more people are definitely welcome to join us.