ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes December 16th, 2021
*ROS 2 TSC Contribution Report_ 12-16-2021.pdf (119.3 KB)
- Open Robotics - Kat Scott, Audrow Nash, Chris Lalancette, Geoff Biggs, Louise Poubel, Tully Foote
- eProsima - Jaime Martin Losa, Raul Sanchez-Mateos Lizano
- Apex.AI - Lyle Johnson
- Bosch - Ralph Lange
- Canonical - Jeremie Deray | artivis
- LG Electronics - Herb Kuta
- ROS-Industrial - Christoph Hellmann Santos
- Toyota Research Institute - Ian McMahon
- ROBOTIS - Will Son
- PickNik - Dave Coleman, Tyler Weaver
- iRobot - Alberto Soragna, Mauro Passerino
- Sony - Tomoya Fujita
- Samsung Research - Steve Macenski
- AWS Robotics - Aaron Blasdel
- SwRI - Jerry Towler (representing GVSC)
- [Kat ][1 min] Please remember to fill out your contribution report at the bottom of this document prior to the meeting.
- ROS World Videos are Live
Old business
- [Kat | < 5min] Call for interest – Developer Experience Working Group (tentative)
- Motivated by PR Review Question and how do we improve it
- Group specifically for ROS developer experience, perhaps help Kat with maintenance.
- Want to select a set of KPIs and core goals to improve upon.
- Make maintainers more efficient.
- Improve documentation
- Improve Answers /
- Make recommendations to TSC
- Looking for a few volunteers to develop a proposal for January.
- [Kat | < 5min] Call for interest – Developer Experience Working Group (tentative)
New business
- [Jaime | 10min] ALMA Project
- [Soragna/Biggs | 15 min] Client Lib WG Proposal ( tentative )
- Ralph ⇒ Map repos to wg,
- Chris ⇒ Number of issues is quite large.
- Dave ⇒ Isn’t this the MWWG
- [Kat | 10min] Discussion ROS 2 AI Roadmap
- Vendor interest in all things AI. This is fantastic.
- Similarly Jaime proposes taking over leadership of the “Edge AI working group”
- This seems acceptable, but I’m skeptical of having an edge specific working group.
- Propose that we have a more logical arrangement / naming of working group
- Would seem to me, as an end user, the logical groupings are:
- Hardware / Software (edge or otherwise)
- Data, Models, V&V
- Deployment and tooling
- TL;DR I think we need a committee to create a strategic plan for AI and ROS
- Any volunteers ?
- Steve: code is not high quality, too fast moving, too vendor specific.
- We might want to do domain specific AI focuses, focus on perception, navigation, mobile manipulations.
- We should find abstractions to provide a general interface for AI platforms to allow ROS to leverage different AI platforms. Potentially some standard messages or interfaces and workflows.
- [Soragna | 10min] Why is installing ROS 2 so hard? Documentation and tools for improving user experience
Recurring business
- Next ROS 2 distro release
- Switch to Jammy
- can now run Jammy jobs
- Working through test failures and build warnings from test_ci_linux #55 [Jenkins]
- Update pybind11 to 2.7.1. by clalancette · Pull Request #10 · ros2/pybind11_vendor · GitHub
- Update to uncrustify 0.72 by clalancette · Pull Request #27 · ament/uncrustify_vendor · GitHub
- Switch to Fast-DDS sync by default
- Roadmap items
- C++ API documentation
- rosdoc2 upstream (exhale) merged our changes and did a release
- rosdoc2 PR merged
- Now some regressions, needs to be looked into
- Zenoh report
- In progress, created tools and network structures (mininet) to test out various ROS-like scenarios
- Workspace overlays work
- In progress, path forward identified in Overlaying packages using CMake export targets can fail with merge install underlay · Issue #1150 · ros2/ros2 · GitHub
- C++ API documentation
- Switch to Jammy
- Working groups [<=5 mins each]
[Bence] Control
- Multirobot simulations in Gazebo, allow namespacingros2_control services
- Support defining initial value for joints / interfaces
- More work on hardware component lifecycle
- Discussions with realtime WG for benchmarking ros2_control with their realtime-safe Executors & honing in on an Executor that’d work for us
- RHEL in CI
[Angelo Cosaro] Edge AI
- Perhaps there was an hick-up on the hand-over, but I did not know about this. We can discuss during the TSC and I’ll make sure that this will be taken care of.
[Martin Losa] Embedded
- Presentation by Arne Nordmann from Bosch on Diagnostics
- Presentation by Patrick Roncagliolo on RTEMS RTOS Support for Micro-ROS
- Benchmarks of micro-ROS Galactic by Tomasz Kolcon and Alex Malki from PIAP
- Latest enhancements
[Weaver] Manipulation
- Hybrid planner landed
- Pilz planner port landed
- MTC port landed
- Latched strings for URDF/SRDF landed
- Switched to lld in CI for ~30% speed up of builds
- Good first issue C++ best practices Epic
[Woodall] Middleware
[Macenski] Navigation
- Hit 89% overall test coverage!
- Added Rotation Shim Controller
- Several updates to Hybrid-A*
- Improved traversal costs
- Improved smoother
- Improved reversing behaviors
- Improved analytic expansion to prevent OMPL shortcutting near obstacles
- Near completion of dynamic parameter support back in the stack
- Costmap2D / AMCL remaining
- Improved synchronization between footprint, costmap, TF, and behaviors to remove “collision jitter” in fine motions in external servers
- New tutorials: Groot, Shim Controller
- Start of new Tuning Guide
[Johnson] Real-time
[Andrei] Real-Time
[Biggs, Fernandez] Rust
- Continuing to work on colcon/cargo integration and features for the client library.
[Biggs] Safety
- No activity this month
[Deray] Security
- Next ROS 2 distro release
[Knapp] Web
- Officially deprecated ros2-web-bridge (nodejs) in favor of ongoing investment in rosbridge_suite (python)
- Added REP 2004 quality declaration to rosbridge_suite
- Added rosbridge_suite and several other libraries to REP 2005
- Foxglove: URDF visualization support, TF rendering & interpolation overhaul
[Knapp/Blasdel] Tooling
ros2 bag convert
delivered: input one or more bags, and output one or more new bags with different settings - merge, split, filter, compress, etc. - Extensive breakouts on MCAP “message capture” binary file format specification. Led by Foxglove team. Looking very promising, and close to being able to make a prototype implementation (including rosbag2 storage plugin)