ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes 2021-10-28
Contribution Report
ROS 2 TSC Contribution Report 2021-10-28.pdf (167.0 KB)
Action Items
- Please vote on RMW for Humble
- Please participate in continued discussion on discourse.
- Kat will submit draft for updated TSC community rep for Nov meeting.
- Please help with the new
- Open Robotics - Chris Lalancette, Kat Scott, Geoff Biggs, William Woodall, Audrow Nash, Louise Poubel, Tully Foote
- Bosch - Ralph Lange
- ROS-I: Christoph Hellmann and Matt Robinson
- Apex.AI - Lyle Johnson
- ROBOTIS - Will Son
- Rover Robotics - Nick Fragale
- Samsung Research - Steve Macenski
- eProsima - Jaime Martin Losa
- Toyota Research Institute - Ian McMahon
- PickNik - Dave Coleman, Vatan Tezer, Tyler Weaver
- Microsoft - Lou Amadio
- LG Electronics - Herb Kuta
- ADLINK - Joe Speed
- Canonical - Jeremie Deray
- Sony - Tomoya Fujita
- AWS - Emerson Knapp, Aaron Blasdel
- iRobot - Alberto Soragna, Mauro Passerino
- SwRI - Jerry Towler (representing GVSC)
- [Kat][1 min] Please remember to fill out your contribution report at the bottom of this document prior to the meeting.
- [Kat][3 min] ROS World Recap
Old business
- [[Joe Speed]| 4 min ] Update on IAC Race
- public slides for meeting minutes
- [Kat][10 min] Welcome new community members!
- Technically term starts 1/2022. I would like to have new members “lurk” for the next few meetings to get a feel for the process.
- Discuss: contribution reports from community reps?
- Kat Feedback: timeline is too short, motion to extend the election and nomination periods to two weeks.
- [Kat/Chris/Audrow | 35 min] Humble Default RMW Selection
- [20 min] Review executive summary of report.
- [15 min] Discussion Please Mute
- Vote via Discourse 10/29 through 11/12
- Should we have a debrief during the November meeting?
- Steve Macenski – example issue
- [[Joe Speed]| 4 min ] Update on IAC Race
New business
- [Kat][5 min] New and Video (call for assistance)
- [Dave Coleman | 15] ROS 2 Core Improvements – See discourse proposal for process improvements for Nov meeting.
- Report reviews in document
- [Chris Lalancette] – Linux foundation model – contribution of funding.
- Tyler – sponsorship – but non-political
- Steve – worried about pay to play – should have a general pool.
- Aaron – important to set up incentive structure
- Dave – separation of concerns (PR review, vs funding).
- Steve – who is the “decider” on subjective PRs
- William – Change FTE Scope – you have to do X, Y, Z.
Recurring business
- Next ROS 2 distro release
- Switch Rolling to 22.04
- Will start to happen once Debians + Docker images available from Canonical
- Debians somewhat available, Docker not yet
- Basic plan
- Add a new 22.04 Rci job to, iterate on it until have a working build
- Add support for 22.04 to
- Migrate Rolling binary builds (Rbin) to 22.04
- Tyler: C++ 20?
- Probably I turtle
- Roadmap items
- Open Robotics
- System-level debugging tool - Initial version available at GitHub - ros2/ros_network_viz
- rosdoc2 Python support: PR open at Add support for python-only projects by aprotyas · Pull Request #28 · ros-infrastructure/rosdoc2 · GitHub
- Documentation inter-package linking - not started
- C++ API documentation - lots of work done to get rclcpp working
- Revamp default Sphinx project by hidmic · Pull Request #33 · ros-infrastructure/rosdoc2 · GitHub
- Handle decltype(*) return types in declinfo.l by hidmic · Pull Request #8799 · doxygen/doxygen · GitHub
- Allow no-link option in doxygenpage by hidmic · Pull Request #748 · michaeljones/breathe · GitHub
- Handle specialized template functions by hidmic · Pull Request #750 · michaeljones/breathe · GitHub
- Handle scoped C++ enums by hidmic · Pull Request #753 · michaeljones/breathe · GitHub
- Add support for Doxygen pages by hidmic · Pull Request #114 · svenevs/exhale · GitHub
- Handle specialized template functions by hidmic · Pull Request #117 · svenevs/exhale · GitHub
- Escape '*' in template page titles. by hidmic · Pull Request #118 · svenevs/exhale · GitHub
- Service and action reliability - not started
- RViz2 stability
- Lots of work done here, still at least one known open crasher at rviz2 randomly crashes while running with nav2 stack · Issue #703 · ros2/rviz · GitHub
- Zenoh report - not started
- Overlays - lots of investigation done in Overlaying packages using CMake export targets can fail with merge install underlay · Issue #1150 · ros2/ros2 · GitHub
- Launch testing revamp - almost ready to be merged in First prototype of native pytest plugin for launch based tests by ivanpauno · Pull Request #528 · ros2/launch · GitHub
- Sony
- iRobot
- Apex.AI
- Moveit2
- Nav2
- Open Robotics
- Switch Rolling to 22.04
- Working groups [<=5 mins each]
[Bence] Control (fix doc auth)
- Working on fixing Gazebo support on Galactic
- Quality of life improvements for Foxy and Galactic
- Preparing branching for Galactic,
branches to support Rolling soon - Breaking changes for move to Rolling
[Speed] Edge AI
- no meetings because Indy Autonomous Challenge
[Martin Losa] Embedded
- Presentation by Juan Manuel Jimeno on Building a ROS2 robot with micro-ROS
embeddedRTPS: the new experimental middleware for micro-ROS
- ROS Discourse Announcement
- Alexandru Kampmann will make a brief overview of embeddedRTPS
- Pablo Garrido will make a brief overview of rmw_embeddedrtps for micro-ROS
[Coleman] Manipulation
- Possibly switching to Zenhub for issue tracking and roadmaps
- Addressing issues with panda_moveit_config
- Refactoring MoveIt 2 controller manager
- Hybrid planning is progressing with welding application
- Upcoming MoveIt Community Meeting in Q1 2021
- Initial port of MoveIt Setup Assistant underway
[Woodall] Middleware
- Meeting notes and recordings:
- Talked about potential issue with Service QoS
- Talked about potential issue with how ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY is implemented differently in various rmw implementations.
- Update on iRobot Event Executor’s queuing design/behavior
- Discussed use and recommendation of LoanedMessage
- Discussed design of subordinate node’s
- Discussed option for dedicated executor (in dedicated thread) for built-in node operations.
[Macenski] Navigation
- Surpassed the number of contributors to ROS 1 Navigation in Nav2 this month!
- Continuing to try to push PRs in TF and rclcpp we need merged!
- VSLAM integration and Smac State Lattice planner work continuing! Starting to get MVP-quality demos going (still a few kinks and tuning to work out; whoof that giggling)
- After some discussions with community members, ran a poll on LinkedIn to get an understanding of preferences for building autonomy systems and received a good response on Behavior Trees. @MoveIt might want to take note of this
- Generalized localization framework work continuing thanks to a multi-company multi-volunteer effort!
- Merged in Windows compatibility
- New bots setup to help in maintainer boilerplate needs with Mergify – Check it out! It’s going to help save us some time
- Backporting PRs
- Commenting to submitters that their PR is in conflict and must be resolved before review
- Commenting to submitters that their PR fails to build and must be resolved before review
- Commenting to maintainers if submitter fails to properly fill in template and give review template anyway
- Auto-deleting head branches
- Rejecting PRs from non-white-listed submitters to non-main branches
[Kholodnyi] Real-time
[Biggs, Fernandez] Rust
Working group meeting held on the 13th of October
- Primary topic was discussion between authors of the two Rust client libraries about how to cooperate
- ros2_rust will drop its message generation pipeline in favor of r2r’s
- r2r will test the colcon-cargo integration
- ros2_rust and r2r will combine efforts
- rclrs now supports Galactic and Rolling
- jhassold is fleshing out the API to be more Rusty
- The API is being made as no_std as possible to support embedded use cases
Working group meeting held on the 13th of October
[Biggs] Safety
- Held an on-demand meeting on the 6th of October.
- Northstar Robotics is planning on open-sourcing nodes useful for safety management.
- A geofence node for specifying geofences and keep-out zones
- A 3D perception algorithm for a 3D camera that can identify what safety zone an obstacle is in
- These nodes are safety-certifiable level of quality (Northstar has safety-certified versions).
[Deray] Security
- – no meeting this month | nothing to report –
[Knapp] Tooling
- Snapshot mechanism complete, released in Rolling
- “Rosbag2 for power users” talk at ROSWorld - new sample plugins repo GitHub - ros-tooling/rosbag2_sample_plugins: Sample plugins for rosbag2 - part of ROSWorld2021 talk "rosbag2 for power users"
- Rosbag2 playback - Seek and keyboard controls hooked up and released in Rolling
- Some work on Windows support for setup-ros github action
[Knapp] WebTools
- ROS 2 work by Foxglove - working Rolling build, test fixes, ports from ros1 functionality. Adding and fixing tests.
- Next ROS 2 distro release