ROS 2 TSC Contribution Report 2022-10-13.pdf (105.8 KB)
(Note: My apologies that these meeting minutes are bit late, I got a bit caught up with IROS and ROSCon)
ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes 2022-10-13
- Open Robotics - Chris Lalancette, Kat Scott, Geoff Biggs, Tully Foote, William Woodall
- Canonical - Jeremie Deray (artivis)
- ROBOTIS - Will Son
- ApexAI - Michael Orlov
- Foxglove - Adrian Macneil
- Bosch - Ralph Lange
- iRobot - Alberto Soragna
- eProsima - Katrin Kellner
- Community Rep - Olivier Michel
- Robosoft - Brett Aldrich
- Sony - Tomoya Fujita
- PickNik - Henning Kayser
- Toyota Research Institute - Ian McMahon
- SwRI - Jerry Towler (representing GVSC)
- ROS-Industrial - Christoph Hellmann Santos
- [Kat ][1 min] Please remember to fill out your contribution report at the bottom of this document prior to the meeting.
- Congratulations Adrian Macneil
Old business
[Kat | 10min] ROS 2 TSC Core ROS Improvement Plan and Survey
- Not all bugs: only bugs / issues with user feedback
- Brett – needs categorization by project / perhaps a project board (Chris)
- ROS in WSL is still a big usability issue
- Angelo Corsaro – Docker containers are still experimental for ROS 2. – we really need docker containers for Windows.
- TODO: Kat will flesh out more for November for a full proposal.
[Kat | 10min] Amend community representative process.
- Kat will flesh out further for November. Redo election in November.
- Process needs to be improved and perhaps untied from ROSCon.
- Process was modeled on Linux Foundation
- TODO: Kat will check rep up for reelection.
- TODO: Kat will propose updated language and process for November. .
- Kat will flesh out further for November. Redo election in November.
[Geoffrey Biggs| 20 min] FYI: Changes to DDS Discovery
[Chris | 20min] Hardware Acceleration REP-2008 – Discussion / ASync Vote
- Proposal move vote to November due to everyone being busy with ROSCon and having insufficient time to follow up.
- NOTE: Victor has been super responsive to feedback and the REP has changed dramatically. Everyone needs to re-read it.
- Note that this would be a vote to move it to draft REP status.
New business
Recurring business
- Next ROS 2 distro release
- Iron
- Working on DDS-related Roadmap items
- Work towards allow users to control scale of discovery, and direct initial peers
- Work towards creating a set of questions that users can go through to get a DDS tuning for their configuration
- Work towards tuning better out-of-the-box behavior, and/or detecting problems at runtime and suggesting solutions to the user
- Continued progress on service introspection: Service Introspection · Issue #1285 · ros2/ros2 · GitHub
- Continued progress on Evolving Message Types: [REP-2011] Evolving Message Types by wjwwood · Pull Request #358 · ros-infrastructure/rep · GitHub
- Fallback content filtering from Sony
- Requires new packages
- Possibly backport to Humble
- Can filter internally in ROS 2 core if the RMW backend support it, it will be more efficient. If RMW does not support, it still does use this fallback filtering to provide the same behavior.
- Working on DDS-related Roadmap items
- Iron
- Working groups [<=5 mins each]
- [Bence] Control
- Declarative parameter helper added to some controllers, pending for rest
- First release of kinematics_interface to Rolling and Humble
- Hardware component errors are handled by Controller manager now
- ControllerManager reports controllers’ state on diagnostics topic
- Fixed high CPU use when using JTC in Gazebo
- Admittance controller merged, working on aftermath
- [Angelo Cosaro] Edge AI
- TODO: Kat remove Edge AI working group.
- [Martin Losa] Embedded
- “Discussion about advanced execution concepts in micro-ROS” by Jan Staschulat, from Bosch
- micro-ROS at Capra Robotics by Bartolomé Jiménez
- Retail Automation, by Tanmay Deshmukh from Coalescent mobile robotics
- Recording: ROS 2 Embedded Working Group - meeting #22 - September 2022 - YouTube
- [Kayser] Manipulation
- New optimization-based IK solver being completed pick_ik GitHub - PickNikRobotics/pick_ik: Inverse Kinematics solver for MoveIt
- Declarative parameter helper library being applied to MoveIt:
GitHub - PickNikRobotics/generate_parameter_library: Declarative ROS 2 Parameters - Started discussion on better supporting optimizing planners with custom costs
- [Woodall] Middleware
- No new meetings since last tsc.
- [Macenski] Navigation
- No new update
- [Johnson] Real-time
- No new update
- [Andrei] Real-Time
- No new update
- [Biggs] Client libraries
- Who should own lifecycle services? Rcl or rclcpp?
- Discussion around desired improvements to the lifecycle state machine.
- [Biggs] Safety
- No updates this month.
- [Deray] Security
- October meeting canceled - guest presenter had to cancel last minute.
- [Bence] Control
- Next ROS 2 distro release
[Macneil] Web
- Dormant
[Orlov] Rosbag2 and Tooling
- Progress in adding support for mcap file format in rqt_bag.
- Sorting things around in preparation for migrating mcap_storage_plugin under the rosbag2 “roof”.
- Decided to Store DB schema versioning in .db3 files
- Decided to Store metadata in db3 files directly in addition to the metadata.yaml file.
- Trying to elaborate a solution to promptly switching between sqlite3 and mcap storage plugins. Perhaps it will be possible to do via environment variable.
List of recently merged meaningful PRs in rosbag2: