ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes 2022-3-17
Contribution Report:
ROS 2 TSC Contribution Report 2022-03-17.pdf (136.8 KB)
- Open Robotics - Chris Lalancette, Kat Scott, William Woodall, Geoff Biggs, Brandon Ong, Audrow Nash, Louise Poubel, Tully Foote
- Andrei Kholodnyi, Wind River
- Adrian Macneil, Foxglove
- Olivier Michel, Community Representative
- Will Son, ROBOTIS
- Ian McMahon, Toyota Research Institute
- Tomoya Fujita, Sony
- Alberto Soragna, iRobot
- Steve Macenski - Samsung Research
- Aaron Blasdel, Emerson Knapp, Camilo Buscaron - AWS
- Lyle Johnson, Apex.AI
- Jeremie Deray (artivis) | Canonical
- Henning Kayser - PickNik
- Jerry Towler - SwRI, representing GVSC
- Patrick Musau, Community Representative
- Chen Bainian, Ramu Uma ROS-Industrial
- Stuart Schaefer - Microsoft Corp
- [Kat ][1 min] Please remember to fill out your contribution report at the bottom of this document prior to the meeting.
- ROSCon Sponsorship is Live
- ROSCon CFP is Live
- Hardware Interfaces Working Group this Friday
Old business
New business
- [Will Sobel | 15 min] – Will Sobel chief architect from MTConnect institute on MTConnect and potential integration with ROS 2.
- [Geoff | 10min] Discussion of Zenoh
- [Jeremie Deray | 10 min] Announcement - CONFIDENTIAL
Recurring business
- Next ROS 2 distro release
- Humble release
- Have been blocked on getting binary packages running on Rolling for 2 weeks → need rebuild of pyside2, requesting today
- What’s the escalation path we should use for other problems we find in Jammy?
- Humble RMW freeze date is Monday, March 21
- Overall feature freeze is Monday, April 4
- Have been blocked on getting binary packages running on Rolling for 2 weeks → need rebuild of pyside2, requesting today
- Roadmap items
- Open Robotics
- System-level network debugging tool - done, in GitHub - ros2/ros_network_viz
- Python API support to rosdoc2 - not going to make it, far more complex than we thought
- C++ API documentation - Mostly done, just waiting on configuration update
- Zenoh report - should be out in the next few weeks
- Overlays - still in progress, but largely done
- Open Robotics
- Humble release
- Working groups [<=5 mins each]
- [Bence] Control
- Next ROS 2 distro release
TransmissionLoader & plugins finalized on reviews
Applied for GSoC but didn’t get selected
- But we have a projects page now: Project Ideas for GSoC 2022 — documentation
Finally (again) using LifecycleNode in ros2_control ControllerInterface!
Chainable controllers are coming!
Reviewer volunteers & lottery working well
[Angelo Corsaro] Edge AI
- No updates.
[Martin Losa] Embedded (Agenda for the next meeting March,22)
- Tiva™ C Series TM4C123G support
- The first Texas Instrument MCUs port to micro-ROS
- ROS Rider & Micro-ROS status
- ROSRider is a low-cost robot control board that can be configured for any differential drive robot.
- Learn how micro-ROS R&D initiative transitioned to industry
- Micro-ROS progress since its beginning 4 years ago.
- Tiva™ C Series TM4C123G support
[Coleman] Manipulation
- MoveIt Community Meeting Talks: 2022 MoveIt Community Meeting | MoveIt
- Accepted for GSoC: 2022 Google Summer of Code | MoveIt
[Woodall] Middleware
- Meeting minutes and agenda:
- Discussed items:
- Managed Node error processing from primary state
- Source timestamp and sequence numbers in message info
- Strategies for detecting message version mismatches and avoiding communication when message versions do not match
- Recurring business:
- “listener-style” callback APIs to support the Event Executor from iRobot merged
- Making progress on Content Filtered Topic proposal
[Macenski] Navigation
- CI / Rolling is broken – 22.04 migration especially with Gazebo has brought us down. Ruffin, et al is working on it but we could use some help
- Lack of Gazebo / Gazebo ROS adds a wrench, we wrongly assumed we had it until 2025 on the same ROS LTS platform → seems odd to drop Gazebo support at an LTS
- New planner benchmarking utilities added
- Working on updates to the behavior tree for improved performance
- Working on improvements to controllers
- DWB tuning / fixing
- MPPI software refactor, validation, and quality control
- Discussion: [Nav2] Feedback Required: Potential Change to Default Behavior
- Improvements to Smac Planner
- Fixing a few bugs; speeding up Lattice computation; angle normalization crash fix; etc
- Improvements to Python Simple Commander API
- Allowing use of all action request fields
- Updating to include recoveries
- Updating to include controller access
- Allowing remap of navigation’s wait until active functions for customized namespaces / different high level navigation orchestration nodes
- Essentially completed – can create autonomy systems fully in python using the API if desirable (but not recommended)
- CI / Rolling is broken – 22.04 migration especially with Gazebo has brought us down. Ruffin, et al is working on it but we could use some help
[Andrei] Real-Time
- Meeting minutes: link
- Continue working on the RPI4 ROS2 Ubuntu 20.04 image
- New repositories
[Biggs] Client libraries
- We have governance information now!
- Kicked off life cycle redesign
- The existing life cycle design has several edge cases and under-defined aspects
- Read-only parameters discussion - should they be truly read-only?
- Plug-ins can’t undeclare parameters when the plugin is unloaded - this is the true problem
- Perhaps we need to separate “immutable-to-all” and “read-only to external entities” concepts
[Biggs] Safety
- Kicked off the year’s new activities
- Quality declaration improvements work
- Safety education work
[Deray] Security
[Macneil] Web
- New forward and reverse message iterator interface for rosbag javascript library (rosbag#52)
- Fixed timestamp parsing and serialization in RTPS javascript library (rtps#16)
- Foxglove Studio: Custom plot series colors (studio#2988), Customizable sensor_msgs/LaserScan rendering (studio#2952), mcap support (studio#2963)
[Knapp/Blasdel] Tooling
- MCAP beta published with c++/python/js/go libraries. Current active project - MCAP and the rosbag2 MCAP storage plugin