ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes 2023-06-15

ROS 2 TSC Contribution Report 2023-06-15.pdf (164.5 KB)

ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes 2023-06-15


For Jazzy, I’d love to learn about the plans, and how to contribute. I’m currently trying to get ROS 2 rolling building smoothly on Ubuntu 23.04 from source.

The instructions here are not yet working. Please keep me in the loop; I’m happy to help.

If you have a particular feature in mind, then please feel free to start developing and opening pull requests. We’re generally happy to review.

If you are talking specifically about platform support, then we will make those choices in November/December. Based on past releases, we are likely to support Ubuntu 24.04, RHEL-9, and Windows 10 officially, but that is up for consideration until November.

Makes sense.

I’m looking at the plan for changes in the following when upgrading OS versions. In my experience trying to compile on Ubuntu 23.04:

  • Upgrading compiler versions for GCC from 11 to 12 now has a few new compiler warnings across a few packages.
  • The way that Ubuntu 23 handles python dependencies in “externally managed environments” makes the default way of installing python deps through a mix of apt and pip not work out of the box: Python pip error "externally managed environment" after upgrading to Ubuntu 23.04 - Stack Overflow
    • Related, rosidl_adapter has warnings now about pytest not being found even I install it in my virtual environment
  • ros-dev-tools is not available as a debian in Ubuntu 23
  • rosdep is missing about 6 sources for Ubuntu 23, including some that will not be available like gazebo classic
  • In CMake 3.27, policy CMP0148 now results in build warnings on any many packages which clutter the logs such as ament_cmake_pytest
  • In CMake 3.27, I get warnings that compatability with cmake <3.5 will be removed, because some packages haven’t updated their minimum version to 3.5 yet such as test_osrf_testing_tools_cpp’s local googletest-1.10 version
  • QT version update since QT5 is EOL since May 2023 makes it impossible to build qt_gui_cpp and its dependencies

Would you like to create a meta-ticket to start tracking these, or is there an alternative approach you would prefer?

Thanks, that is a good list of things to know about (and at least some of the sneak preview of what we’ll run into for Ubuntu 24.04).

Yeah, I think a new meta-ticket on GitHub - ros2/ros2: The Robot Operating System, is a meta operating system for robots. would be appropriate, and then we can link it to individual issues on the repositories.

Done. [Meta-Ticket] J-turtle changes for Ubuntu 23/24 · Issue #1452 · ros2/ros2 · GitHub

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